Advent Calendar 2023

December 1, 2023 (10mo ago)

Advent Calendar

… as a web app in the form of a local real-life search game. Participants (something around 60 lovely peoples in three regions) received the picture of the day every day within Telegram, which they could locate based on the web app. Compared to last year, some improvements have been made to the user interface and the backend has been rewritten in Django. Because there are several users from different regions this year, the user handling had to be solved a bit more elegantly. The service as such as well as the databases are provided by K3s in a cluster deployed at Hetzner ARM and the static files are provided with AWS S3. CI/CD written as GitHub Actions. It’s quite funny…


Python, Django, PostgreSQL, Redis, Telegram, K3S, Hetzner ARM, AWS S3, AWS ECR, Kubernetes, Docker, GitHub Actions


Jinja2, HTML, CSS, JS, ChartJS, UIkit, MapLibre

Advent CalendarAdvent Calendar