📚 Education & Certifications

After completing my Master of Science, I have been actively working on my own projects and professionals while consistently pursuing opportunities for continuous learning.

Rust I, The Linux Foundation

Online course, 01.2025

Rust, Cargo, Ownership, Borrowing, Lifetimes, Traits, Generics, Testing, Error Handling, Concurrency

GraphQL Associate

Online course, 07.2024

GraphQL, Apollo, Client, Server, Subscriptions, Performance, Security

NestJS Certificates

Online course, 12.2023

Fundamentals, Security, Microservices, Testing, Real-time, GraphQL (Schema & Code-first)

Redis Streams

Online course, 07.2023

Redis Streams, Distributed Systems, Event Sourcing, Event-driven Architecture

Kong Gateway Foundations

Online course, 06.2023

Kong Gateway, API Gateway, Microservices, Security, Performance, Monitoring

Master of Science, University of Rostock

Student, 2021 - 2022

Computer Science. Final grade with 1.2.

Bachelor of Science, University of Rostock

Student, 2017 - 2021

Computer Science meets Geoinformatics. Final grade with 2.2.
